(Character study): Teacher, the experience referent

lunes, 21 de marzo de 2011

(School director of 'Recess'. Animation TV serie. Joe Ansolabehere and Paul Germain. 1997-2001) and (Super of “Mortadelo y Filemon”. Francisco Ibañez. 1958-2011)
{"Recess"} {"Mortadelo y Filemon". Humor comic-book. Created by Francisco Ibañez, from 1958. Spain. About two special agents, Mortadelo and Filemon, who work for a privated company, CIA. Their boss is Super.}
I have memories of a lot of different teachers, but I remember two things in common: big moustache and glasses. Three of the director I have had in diferent schools (I changed 5 times) had glasses and moustache, like two of my tutors, other teachers or my own father. I think that is for this reason because I think that moustache and glasses are synonyms of intelligence, wisdom Rand authority. The character of Super ('Mortadelo y Filemon') or the director of “Recess” are examples of this kind of people.

(My own sketches)
I was working in the idea of moustache and glasses, an lather I was looking for one design very serious, who will inspire respect and fear to Jerric.

(My own sketches)
Finally, I found a style that remember me my teacher of spanish second language (valenciano), who I respected so much. So, I thought that is the perfect kind of character to be the Jerric's teacher.

(My own sketches)

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