(Work in process): Tutory with spanish teacher

domingo, 17 de abril de 2011

(Own work: daydream land front cover. Left: 1st version. Right: 2nd version)

Taking advantage of my visit to Valencia (that finished yesterday, when I came back to Southampton), I went to see my spanish teacher, who is the tutor of my final project there. He's Guillermo Ramos and is a famous painter and illustrator in Spain (but he's from Colombia). Like a obligation of my exchange student agreement, I need to send my final project to my teacher, who will decide if I pass or not the lecture in Spain, and I finish my studies. Like I changed my project a little bit, I wanted to know his opinion and view of my project and the changes.

(Own work: daydream land front cover final version)

He was talking to me about all my work, my sketches, my website and my final project. He gave me good advices for change a little bit my work. One of them was change one details of my logo that I made for my portfolio. But one of the most importants, was about the cover of my project. He didn't like the typography I made for my name and he told me that is better if I do another cover without it, and later I'll put it with photoshop. Other thing, was that he prefer the title that I made in my sketche-book with watercolour, because you can understand it better.

(Own work: daydream land back cover)

So, I change it at this is the final result. I think that is better. And I'm very happy, because Guillermo told me that he's very happy with my work and he gave me a lot of avertises for the future. I hope he'll be right and I'll work like illustrator very soon.

(Own work: daydream land front and back cover)

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