(Final designs): Real characters

viernes, 1 de abril de 2011

(Own work: final design card: Jerric)

Here, the final designs of the real characters of “Daydreamland”. I explained all of them: Jerric, the bully, the teacher, his mom, his bestfriend and his first love. One of them, the bestfriend, was discarded and deleted of the final story, because I thought that I don't need it for explain the story and is more a obstacle than a help.

(Own work: final design card: Bully)

Jerric is one of the most importants, and maybe can change of size, depends of the kind of shot or illustration. Later, Bully need to be always bigger than Jerric, and a little bit more than the girl. The teacher is the tallest, and the mother the second.

(Own work: final design card: Girl)

The relationship between the fiction creatures is than always, fiction creatures are bigger. The girl and the bully have a fiction representation: Faerie's queen and Fear, respectively.

(Own work: final design card: Mother)

All the real characters have some similar skills, to make a own style for the book. For example, mother and son, Jerric, have a similar noise and face. Generally, everybody has something very similar to the other illustration characters.

(Own work: final design card: Teacher)

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