(Nazgul of “The Lord of the Rings” movie trilogy. Peter Jackson. 2001-2003.)
{Lord of the Rings. A film trilogy inspired in the book. Written by J.R.R. Tolkien and directed by Peter Jackson. 2001 to 2003. The three parts are “The Fellowship of the Ring”, “The Two Towers” and “The Return of the King”. About the middle earth and the mision of a differents creatures (hobbits, elfs, humans and dwarvens) to destroy a powerful ring of the Dark Lord Sauron, to save the earth.}
For the design of the differents fiction creatures, I did a very big research, from old stories until new references about bestuary and fiction races. One book that is always a good reference about the middle-earth and the magic creatures, is “The Lord of the Rings”.
In this case, the most important reference was the design of Sauron, the dark lord, and the nazguls, in the movie. From the first moment, I was thinking in one design similar to these for Loneliness, the dictator king of the fiction land of my storye (Daydreamland), with a dark robe, with the face hidden.
(The Lord of the Locusts of “Bone”. Comic-book. Jeff Smith. 1991-2004)
But a perfect reference for Loneliness was “The Lord of the Locusts”, from the comic-book “Bone” that I explained previosly.
(Rat creatures of “Bone”. Comic-book. Jeff Smith. 1991-2004)
But “Bone” isn't a good reference only for the design of Loneliness. Is a good reference for the research of Fear, the servant of Loneliness, and the commander of the Monster's army. The Rat creatures, servants of The Lord of the Locusts, are stupid and strong creatures, like I would like that will be Fear, a creature who is stronger only when the kid is scared of the unknown world whe he lives. The structure and the design of this creatures, was perfect for be inspired and work about the Fear design, trying to make a kind of orc, like the middle-earth creature, and with “The Lord of the Rings” like a big reference again.
(Kampanilla of the comic-book 'Peter Pank'. 'Max' Francesc Capdevila. 1985)
{“Peter Pank” is a comic-book created by 'Max'. Is a humor and funny parody of the book Peter Pan, but like Peter Pan was a punk boy. So, tinkerbell is a punk girl too, and all the story is more pervert and strange. For example, the bad guy is not a pirate, is a rocker. And the sirens are nymphos.}
Another time, the illustrator 'Max' was a important reference for my work. Now, was his comic-book “Peter Pank” and the character of “Kampanilla”, a sexy faery, a punk representation of Tinkerbell of Peter Pan. This very erotic faery is a different design of the typical faeries, and this is the reason because I think that I need to do a similar faery, a representation of the feelings that the young Jerric has about his first love.
(“Faery” by Brian Froud.)
But like principal reference about the faeries (but not about the style, because I was looking for a different kind of illustration), of course I was searching the work of Brian Froud, a illustrator very famous by his faeries illustrations. I was reading the book “Bad faeries/Good faeries” of B. Froud to have better ideas about the faeries, the kind of faeries and his skills.
(Snorlax of “Pokemon”. Animated TV serie. Satoshi Tajiri.)
For last, another important character was Snowlax, a creature of “Pokemon”, the tv serie created by Satoshi Tajiri, about people who search and collect stranges creatures called pokemons. Snorlax is a creature very lazy, who's always sleeping, like “Sloth”, one of the creatures of Jerric's world. So, will be very important draw a similar creature, big, fat, because he'll block the way of Daydreamland.
After a good research, make the differents fiction creatures was easier, because I had the ideas very clear, and i was very decided about what I would like to do. So, I was doing only a few sketches this time, until a find the final ones very soon.
(Own sketches. Loneliness and Fear designs)